PRAY FOR ISRAEL: Father, Bless the State of Israel and its people. Guide its leaders with Your light and truth. Strengthen the hands of those who defend Your Holy Land. Bless the land with Peace and Joy for its inhabitants.
† Erin Green (Kate Hilton’s daughter) ~ Had surgery on her ankle. Pray for a speedy recovery. † Harold Bell ~ Pray that Harold’s health issues can be Resolved. † Ron & Rondi Vinnedge ~ pray God’s intervention for Ron’s health issues and for his comfort, for his joy and for encouragement. † Dean & Melinda Petropolus ~ (friend of Nancy Dameron’s) Has terminal cancer and chose to have intensive treatment which will prolong his life somewhat. † Steve Slater ~ is having pain with his knee and experiencing swelling in feet and ankles. † Lora Slater ~ Had shoulder replacement surgery . Please pray for her complete recovery. † Melissa Cruz (Jann Monks daughter) . Going through chemo to treat Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She is having kidney problems. † Dan Copeland (son of Lee & Kathy). In the hospital with MRSA on heavy dose of antibiotics. † Jacob (Peroli’s young friend) With terminal cancer. Pray for relief of severe pains.